5 Amazing Podcasts About Pet Health

Looking for something to listen to on your commute or when relaxing at home? Learn more about your favorite pet by checking out…

What Should You Do If Your Pet’s Behavior Suddenly Changes?

Life is unpredictable for us humans. Over the course of a day, we can experience moments of elation—yes, my daughter got straight A’s on…

Does Your Pet Need a Vet? How to Know

There are times when you know without a doubt your dog or cat needs to be taken to the veterinarian. He or she has open wounds or…

How to Find a Reputable Animal Hospital

Perhaps your beloved, older cat suddenly started limping around the house, possibly from arthritis or from an infection. Or maybe your dog got…

Cat laying down

Life is unpredictable for us humans. Over the course of a day, we can experience moments of elation—yes, my daughter got straight A’s on her report card!—moments of deep frustration—how long is this traffic going to take, anyway?—and every emotion in between.


Our pets, on the other hand, tend to go through the day on a more even keel. Which is why it can be so very unsettling to notice a significant change in your pet’s routine.

For instance, maybe your Golden Retriever, Zed, greets you every day when you get home from work with a musical explosion of happy barks. But then one day, you come home, and Zed won’t even get off the couch or lift his head to say hello. Or maybe your typically frisky kitty, Chairman Meow, has been hiding under the bed for what seems like a week, leaving his food bowl almost untouched.

What’s happening? What can you do about it?

Especially if the behavior is clearly aberrant—and you can’t easily identify an environmental trigger for it (e.g. you just moved; you just brought home a new baby; you recently added a new pet to the brood, etc.)— get medical help for your pet sooner rather than later. It’s frustrating and inconvenient to break your routine. And maybe the animal will revert to normal behavior without an intervention. But remember this: if your pet does have a medical situation, the longer you wait to get it diagnosed, the worse the crisis can become, and the more expensive and painful the treatment.

Our experienced animal hospital staff can help you solve the mystery and give you peace of mind. Call or email us immediately, or just stop by the hospital during normal hours. We have the veterinary staff, the diagnostic equipment, and the problem-solving skills you and your pet need right now.


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