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5 Amazing Podcasts About Pet Health

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Every year we see lots of dogs and cats who have been injured, poisoned or get sick from Holiday hazards. What should be a joyous time for most can be downright hazardous for pets? How? Here are a few examples to watch out for.

Secure your tree! Cats absolutely love to climb around in a Christmas tree. This is all well and good until they send the tree crashing to the floor. Other than just making a big mess of your home and the tree you worked so hard to decorate, your cat can be seriously injured. Vets see everything from fractured bones to cats getting electrocuted from Christmas lights. Broken glass Christmas bulbs can cut paws and more.

Watch those bones. Throwing a bit of Thanksgiving turkey to your dog may make his or her eyes light up, but watch for small bones they can choke on. It’s a myth animals can handle small bones humans would choke on. Lots of dogs and cats end up in the emergency room to have a bone surgically removed from their throat.

Poisonous holiday plants. We generally don’t worry about holiday plants being poisonous – because humans don’t eat them. But pets may. Mistletoe, poinsettia, lilies and especially holly berries are all very bad for animals. If you suspect your pet has ingested one of these and may be showing symptoms of poisoning, please bring her into the see the Vet right away.

Poor visibility for drivers. If your pet walks around the neighborhood or often gets out of your fence, be aware driving becomes much more hazardous in winter. Fog, ice, snow, rain and more can decrease visibility and make roads slick. It may be hard for a driver to see your pet or stop in time.

And remember dogs can’t eat chocolate. It’s toxic to them and can cause sickness. Get a few holiday dog chews to make his or her Christmas a healthy and happy one.


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