Watch Out For These Holiday Hazards Affecting Pets

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Caring for a Senior or Aging Pet

Your dog or cat can live to be a ripe old age, still happy, always mobile, and living life to the fullest. Rather than just leaving this to luck…

How to Find a Reputable Animal Hospital

Perhaps your beloved, older cat suddenly started limping around the house, possibly from arthritis or from an infection. Or maybe your dog got…

Your dog or cat can live to be a ripe old age, still happy, always mobile, and living life to the fullest. Rather than just leaving this to luck, it’s best to take a few precautions to ensure your pet is happy in their golden years.

We’ve all seen older animals suffering from the pains and stiffness of arthritis, lethargic and lacking energy, going deaf or blind, or suffering from advancing disease.

Of course, many of these things can be avoided or treated to give your pet a much better life well into their senior years.

When does a pet get old? Most dogs become seniors at about 7 years. That’s equivalent to a human turning 58. Large dogs age somewhat faster. At 7 years they are more like a human who is past retirement at 66 to 78 years.

We see a lot of the same problems in older pets. Be on the lookout for symptoms of Arthritis, Cancer, Kidney problems, or loss of Hearing and Vision.

You will know something is wrong when your older dog seems grouchy all the time, won’t eat much, drinks an unusual amount of water, or has changes in their bowels and urination.

Choose foods with lower fat content. Just like humans, dogs and cats tend to gain weight as they get older. An overweight animal is at greater risk for problems.

Schedule regular visits to the Vet. We can spot diseases, hearing loss, problems with vision, and other things that often beset senior pets. There are many things we can do to help ease aging or treat diseases.

It’s important to catch these things early for best results. With the right care and understanding, your dog or cat can live longer with a happier, healthier life.


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